Chinese Treatment to Stop IgA Nephropathy
Systematic Chinese Treatment to Stop IgA NephropathyIn western medicine, IgA
Nephropathy is usually treated with oral medicines like cyclophosphamide,
prednisone and hypotensive drugs to control it symptoms like high blood
pressure, hematuria and proteinuria. This helps to slow down illness progression
effectively, but can not stop it. Here, we will introduce a systematic Chinese
treatment used in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital which not only brings all
the symptoms under control, but also stop illness progression and prevent kidney
The systematic treatment is based on several Chinese medicine treatments
which include:
1. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is an innovation of TCM (Traditional
Chinese Medicine). For IgA Nephropathy
patients, if they take this treatment, their GFR (Glomerular Filtraiton
Rate) can be increased, high creatinine level can be reduced, hematuria symptoms
can be eliminated from the root. More importantly, they suffer no side effects
after taking this treatment.
2. Mai kang mixture
Mai kang mixture is an oral Chinese medicine, by which IgA Nephropathy
patients can get treatment effects of reduce of high blood lipid, prevention of
coagulation, increase of immunity and prevention of high blood pressure and
3. Herbs like
Some Chinese herbs like potentilla discolor bunge and snow lotus herb are
also used in the systematic treatment. There herbs are generally used to help
IgA Nephropathy patients promote renal blood circulation, increase bloodstream
in kidney, improve renal ischemia and renal anoxia.
4. Feet Bath
Feet bath is also a part of this systematic treatment for IgA Nephropathy.
Different Chinese medicines are added into the water according to patients. In
our feet, there are lots of acupoints and by stimulating specific acupoints,
weaken kidneys can be strengthened.
Lastly, for IgA Nephropathy patients, they experience various symptoms like
hematuria, proteinuria and tiredness due to impaired kidney condition. So when
their kidneys are strengthened, these symptoms disappear naturally.