Cómo pacientes con GSF tiene hinchazón en la cara y Cómo
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FSGS refers to the kidney scarrings developing in some glomeruli. As we know,
glomeruli is a main tissue in kidneys, which has the functions of filtering
toxins and wastes in blood, and it can also help remove the excess fluid out
from body. In addition, it can also help keep the useful nutrition in blood.
However, for FSGS patients, some of their glomeruli have been damaged, so it
will fail to work well. The excess fluid will remain in body, which can cause
swelling. Besides, the loss of large amount of protein in urine can also cause
From above, we can know that the
main cause of swelling in FSGS is caused by the glomeruli
damage, then patients need to have effective treatment to repair the damaged
glomeruli. Here we recommend FSGS patients to take Micro-Chinese Medicine
Osmotherapy, which can help repair the damaged glomeruli.
In addition, patients also need to pay attention to their daily diet, which
can also help relieve the swelling. FSGS patients need to limit the fluid
intake, limit the salt intake, and they also need to limit their protein intake,
which will be good for them to relieve their swelling.
Además, los pacientes
con GSF deben prestar atención a la dieta en la vida diaria, y deben tener un
bajo contenido de sal, dieta baja en proteínas y limite el consumo de agua en la
vida cotidiana. De lo contrario, la inflamación puede ser empeorado. Por lo
tanto, si usted quiere saber más información o tiene alguna pregunta, por ser
muy libre de contactarnos en cualquier momento, y estamos muy contentos de
ayudarle a resolver problemas con sinceridad y de verdad.