
Why People with Tratamientos para CKD Risk of Cardiovascular Disease

Why People with Tratamientos para CKD Risk of Cardiovascular Disease
Why People with CKD Are at Risk of Cardiovascular DiseasePatients with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) are far more likely to develop cardiovascular disease than the general population. It is the primary death cause for the patients. Therefore, it is important for the patients to protect against cardiovascular disease effectively.
Cardiovascular disease is a disorder in which your heart and blood vessels within your entire body are involved. It develops over time when blockage of arteries which bring blood to brain and heart occurs. Arteries are blocked mainly due to accumulations of cells, fat and cholesterol in blood. Blood delivers oxygen to tissues and cells in body. If heart can not get sufficient oxygen supply, it can lead to heart attack. If ample oxygen can not be provided to brain, stroke may occur. Both heart attack and stroke are fatal issues.
Why patients with CKD are at risk of cardiovascular disease?
Certain conditions associated with CKD make the patients are more likely to develop cardiovascular disease.
High blood pressure
High levels of fat in blood
Imbalance of mineral levels
Old people
Family history of heart problem
If you are CKD sufferer and have developed cardiovascular disease, the following treatments can help you prevent it getting worse.
※ If you can manage the controllable factors mentioned above, you will be able to reduce the likelihood significantly.
※ Make life style changes. Eat healthy and take more exercise.
※ In serious cases treatments should be needed to control the condition.

※ Controlling CKD is the key to complete management of cardiovascular disease.



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